EGUsphere – The preprint repository hosted by the European Geosciences Union

EGUsphere, the not-for-profit open scientific repository of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), brings together preprints in the domain of Earth, Space, and Planetary sciences in a diverse, inclusive, and systematic collection of contributions, including:

EGUsphere is transparent and interactive, giving authors of presentations and preprints the opportunity to receive attributed comments from the public aimed at stimulating discussion, cooperation, and to revise their materials in open review.

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Recently-posted preprints

26 Sep 2024
SAMURAI-S: Sonic Anemometer on a MUlti-Rotor drone for Atmospheric turbulence Investigation in a Sling load configuration
Mauro Ghirardelli, Stephan T. Kral, Etienne Cheynet, and Joachim Reuder
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Discussion: open, 0 comments
Short summary
26 Sep 2024
A thicker, rather than thinner, East Antarctic Ice Sheet plateau during the Last Glacial Maximum
Cari Rand, Richard S. Jones, Andrew N. Mackintosh, Brent Goehring, and Kat Lilly
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Discussion: open, 0 comments
Short summary
26 Sep 2024
Characterization of the mean and extreme Mediterranean cyclones and their variability during the period 1500 BCE to 1850 CE
Onno Doensen, Martina Messmer, Christoph C. Raible, and Woon Mi Kim
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Discussion: open, 0 comments
Short summary
26 Sep 2024
Regime shift caused by accelerated density reorganization on the Weddell Sea continental shelf with high-resolution atmospheric forcing
Vanessa Teske, Ralph Timmermann, Cara Nissen, Rolf Zentek, Tido Semmler, and Günther Heinemann
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Discussion: open, 0 comments
Short summary
26 Sep 2024
Environments and lifting mechanisms of cold-frontal convective cells during the warm-season in Germany
George Pacey, Stephan Pfahl, and Lisa Schielicke
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Discussion: open, 0 comments
Short summary

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